American Bar Association Health Law Section Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference

American Bar Association Health Law Section Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference

Chicago, Illinois
Speaking Engagement

Partner and Co-Chair of the firm’s Artificial Intelligence Practice and Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice, Kirk Nahra, will speak on a panel titled “ETHICS: Health Care Privacy is a Hot Mess” at the Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference, organized by the American Bar Association (ABA) Health Law Section, taking place September 26-27, 2024 in Chicago. The panel will address the confusing, overlapping and often borderline incomprehensible nature of the increasingly complicated set of laws and regulations impacting how health data can be used in and out of the core system. Despite these complexities, there are societal benefits and business opportunities for using health data in thoughtful and appropriate ways consistent with evolving legal requirements. Attendees will come away from this panel with:

  • An understanding of key, recent developments affecting healthcare privacy and legal considerations for providers, payors, lawyers and other entities that handle health data.
  • The ability to evaluate options for addressing privacy compliance, both for your business and in the regulatory system.
  • Information regarding finding value in health data in a manner that navigates legal considerations and risks.

The Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference is a joint continuing legal education and continuing medical education event designed for healthcare attorneys, physicians and related industry professionals. The conference will provide professionals at all levels of their career with valuable insights and strategies to improve their practice.

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