“The World Crisis and International Law”: The Future of International Law

“The World Crisis and International Law”: The Future of International Law

London, UK
Speaking Engagement

Gary Born, Chair of the International Arbitration Practice, will feature in a panel discussion on the future of international law with Professor Dan Sarooshi KC, Professor Jill Goldenziel, The Hon Timothy McEvoy, and Professor Paul Stephan, whose book, “The World Crisis and International Law - The Knowledge Economy and the Battle for the Future,” has recently been published by Cambridge University Press. Special Counsel Sarah Ganz will moderate the panel discussion.

Professor Stephan’s book discusses what he describes as downside caused by the knowledge economy, including threats to the international rule of law. Professor Stephan argues in his book that a re-conception of international law is necessary to address these threats. Our panel of speakers will react to Professor Stephan’s arguments and discuss the role – and future – of international law.

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