Investigations launched by Congress pose a unique set of considerations and risks for companies and individuals under scrutiny, with extremely high public, political and collateral stakes. In the second installment of our webinar series, WilmerHale lawyers will provide a preview of what to expect from the 118th Congress. This includes:
- congressional leadership;
- the agenda and oversight priorities of the new Congress; and
- preparing for and responding to congressional investigations.
During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to contribute questions online. CLE credit will be provided.
The WilmerHale presenters for this webinar bring significant knowledge in this area:
Alyssa DaCunha, who is co-chair of the firm’s Congressional Investigations Practice, provides strategic counsel to companies facing complex regulatory, legal and policy issues in the glare of the media spotlight, and has prepared dozens of corporate executives for testimony before Congress and international regulators over the past decade.
Joel S. Green, who is co-chair of the firm’s Congressional Investigations Practice, has extensive experience representing individuals and organizations in high-stakes and complex congressional matters as well as parallel criminal and civil investigations and proceedings.
Rob Lehman, who is co-chair of the firm’s Public Policy and Legislative Affairs Practice, has more than 20 years of experience on Capitol Hill and focuses on government relations and developing and implementing strategies to help clients achieve their objectives in Congress and in federal agencies.
Lauren N. Moore, who is a partner in the firm’s Crisis Management and Strategic Response Practice, recently served as associate counsel under President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and previously served as general counsel to Kamala D. Harris on the US Senate Judiciary Committee, where she advised on judicial nominations and congressional oversight hearings.
About the Counseling the C-Suite on Challenging Crosscurrents Webinar Series
This webinar is part of our series designed to empower senior in-house counsel, executive teams and boards of directors to be better prepared to confront high-stakes business challenges. LEARN MORE
*CLE credit is not available for those who watch a recording of the webinar.