The Global Series – Europe 2016 Session

The Global Series – Europe 2016 Session

Speaking Engagement

Global Series sessions address topics of global significance at a senior level of discussion. The sessions explore the intersection of innovation and governance (both in intellectual property and in trade). To that end, the series works closely with government representatives, adjudicators, corporate leaders, litigation leaders, academics and others in a continuing focus on key topics. Many challenges are common to global systems. 

WilmerHale Partner Naboth van den Broek will discuss Brexit, TTIP, and trade and economic relations between the US, UK,and EU generally, during a panel discussion. Fellow panelists include Chief Judge Timothy C. Stanceu of the US Court of International Trade; Jayashree Watal, Counsellor at the Intellectual Property Division of the World Trade Organization; Robert Koopman, Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization; and Pedro Velasco-Martins, Deputy Head of Unit, Intellectual Property and Public Procurement of the European Commission. 

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