Perspectives for the Intellectual Property System in a Globalized World

Perspectives for the Intellectual Property System in a Globalized World

Speaking Engagement

Over the past decades, the intellectual property system has witnessed significant changes due to new patterns of innovation and novel forms of creation. While IP intensive industries have become key factors of economic performance, at the same time the spread of new means of communication, the growth of international trade, the rise of development agendas related to global environmental, social, cultural and health concerns, have deeply influenced various areas where intellectual property matters. In order to adapt the intellectual property regime to this new context, important initiatives are underway at the European and international level, calling for collective reflection and debate.

This international conference, scheduled to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), intends to bring together high-ranking IP officials and representatives of public institutions, renowned IP scholars, professionals and representatives in industries heavily dependent on intellectual property rights, for an exchange of perspectives on past and present changes and with the objective to map ways for future development of the European and international IP systems in a globalized world.

WilmerHale Partner Trevor Cook will be a featured speaker during Round Table 1, "What developments for the European Union intellectual property system?"

Read More About the Event



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