Dodd-Frank: Impact of the Fed’s Proposed Prudential Standards on Foreign Banks

Dodd-Frank: Impact of the Fed’s Proposed Prudential Standards on Foreign Banks

Speaking Engagement
The Federal Reserve recently issues proposed rules under §§ 165 and 166 of the Dodd-Frank Act that would establish enhanced prudential standards for certain foreign banking organization’s branches in the United States. The proposed rules will likely require fundamental changes in the way that many foreign banks do business in the US, including new requirements that many foreign banks structure their US operations through US intermediate holding companies and meet enhanced capital and liquidity standards, detailed corporate governance, risk management mandates, and single counterparty credit limits. This free, one-hour webcast will address these issues and questions.

WilmerHale Special Counsel Gail Bernstein and Counsel Jeremy Newell are featured speakers at this event.

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